Are you a landowner who wants to make young forest and shrubland on your property? A land manager who’d like to learn more about this important early successional habitat? A natural resources professional or researcher looking for technical information? An educator, student, or communicator? You will find much useful information among these collected resources.


The Young Forest Project: Growing Wildlife Habitat Together
The Young Forest Project: Growing Wildlife Habitat Together

Brochure explaining the importance of young forest and shrubland habitat and how to create it.

Young Forest Guide - Wildlife Needs Young Forest Habitat and You Can Help
Young Forest Guide - Wildlife Needs Young Forest Habitat and You Can Help

Non-technical guide explaining how to create young forest to benefit wildlife and increase people's enjoyment of nature and the land, for private landowners and those who oversee state wildlife areas, parks, or forests; town or county forests; and nature preserves, land trust properties, and hunting clubs (24 pp.).

Becket Land Trust Historic Quarry and Forest Trail Map
Brochure, Guide
Wildlife in Your Young Forest
Wildlife in Your Young Forest

Mini-field guide of wildlife that may be seen in young forest as it grows back in the years following a habitat management project such as a timber harvest (24 pp.).

Protecting Forests, Storing Carbon, and Helping Wildlife
Protecting Forests, Storing Carbon, and Helping Wildlife

Brochure on creating young forest and shrubland habitat for wildlife, while also providing for carbon storage and promoting forest health.

Restoring a Rare Rabbit: Helping the New England Cottontail
Restoring a Rare Rabbit: Helping the New England Cottontail

Brochure on the initiative to conserve and restore the New England cottontail (Sylvilagus transitionalis).

Under Cover: Wildlife of Shrublands and Young Forest
Under Cover: Wildlife of Shrublands and Young Forest

Detailed report on 65 birds, mammals, and reptiles that need young forest and shrubland, including recommendations on how to manage habitat for them (88 pp.).

Wildlife Needs Young Forest: The Woodcock Management Plan
Wildlife Needs Young Forest: The Woodcock Management Plan

Brochure on creating shrubland and young forest for the American woodcock (Scolopax minor).

The Young Forest Project: Helping Wildlife Through Stewardship and Science
The Young Forest Project: Helping Wildlife Through Stewardship and Science

Comprehensive report on the broad scope of efforts to create young forest and shrubland for wildlife (58 pp.).

Pollinator Biology and Habitat
Pollinator Biology and Habitat

Technical guide on how to plan for, protect, and create habitat for pollinating insects (52 pp.).

Research paper
Condition Varies with Habitat Choice in Post-Breeding Forest Birds
Condition Varies with Habitat Choice in Post-Breeding Forest Birds

Research paper in The Auk on the importance of young forest habitat to forest-interior birds studied on the Allegheny National Forest and private industrial timberlands in northwestern Pennsylvania.

Best Management Practices
Best Management Practices for the New England Cottontail
Best Management Practices for the New England Cottontail

Regional land manager's guide explaining the best ways to create, enhance, and maintain habitat for the New England cottontail, Sylvilagus transitionalis (24 pp.).

Brush Piles for Wildlife
Brush Piles for Wildlife

Brochure from the Virginia Department of Forestry explaining how to build brush piles for wildlife.

Best Management Practices, Guide
A Guide to Habitat Management for Wood Turtles
A Guide to Habitat Management for Wood Turtles

Guide to the biology, habitat use, and reproduction of the wood turtle (Glyptemys insculpta), as well as threats to the species and how to manage its habitat (32 pp.).

Conservation plan
Conservation Plan for the Eastern Box Turtle in the Northeastern United States
Conservation Plan for the Eastern Box Turtle in the Northeastern United States

Conservation plan for the Eastern box turtle (Terrapena carolina) in the Northeastern United States (78 pp.).

Conservation plan, Report
Status Assessment and Conservation Plan for Spotted Turtles in the Eastern United States
Status Assessment and Conservation Plan for Spotted Turtles in the Eastern United States

Status Assessment and Conservation Plan for the spotted turtle (Clemmys guttata) in the Eastern United States (285 pp.).

Popular article
Carbon Conservation on MassWildlife Forest Lands
Carbon Conservation on MassWildlife Forest Lands

Popular article explaining how habitat management on forested lands of the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (MassWildlife) contributes to wildlife conservation while mitigating effects of climate change.

Forest Carbon: An Essential Natural Solution for Climate Change
Forest Carbon: An Essential Natural Solution for Climate Change

A report helping landowners make informed decisions about their woods by explaining the role that carbon plays in a forest and the impacts of various land-use options on forest carbon (28 pp.). 

Conservation plan, Report
Golden-Winged Warbler Status Review and Conservation Plan
Golden-Winged Warbler Status Review and Conservation Plan

A review of the status of the golden-winged warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera) and a conservation plan for the species (216 pp.).

Research paper
Monitoring a New England Cottontail Reintroduction with Noninvasive Genetic Sampling
Monitoring a New England Cottontail Reintroduction with Noninvasive Genetic Sampling

Research paper in the Wildlife Society Bulletin describing the use of noninvasive genetic sampling to monitor a population of New England cottontails (Sylvilagus transitionalis) introduced to Bellamy River Wildlife Management Area in New Hampshire.

Research paper
Addressing the Early Successional Habitat needs of At-Risk Species on Privately Owned Lands in the Eastern United States
Addressing the Early Successional Habitat needs of At-Risk Species on Privately Owned Lands in the Eastern United States

Research paper in Land reviewing the effectiveness of Working Lands for Wildlife, a program administered by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and describing how managing public lands alone will not sufficiently address the habitat needs of most at-risk wildlife.

Talking About Young Forests: A Communication Handbook
Talking About Young Forests: A Communication Handbook

Guide explaining how natural resources professionals can effectively explain the need for creating and managing young forest habitat for wildlife on public and private lands (40 pp.).

Popular article
How Young is That Forest?
How Young is That Forest?

Article in Pennsylvania Game News magazine describing young forest and explaining its importance to wildlife.

Fire Management in the Northeast
Fire Management in the Northeast

Brochure explaining how prescribed burning can safely create and enhance wildlife habitat in the Northeastern United States.

Fact sheet
Forest Management in Connecticut
Forest Management in Connecticut

Information sheet explaining how managing forests in Connecticut helps wildlife while promoting climate change mitigation, the economy, and recreational opportunities.

Best Management Practices, Guide
Forest Management for New York Birds
Forest Management for New York Birds

Guide to creating and enhancing habitat for birds through the use of forest management practices (52 pp.).

Research paper
Location and Species Matters: Variable Influence of the Environment on the Gene Flow of Imperiled Native and Invasive Cottontails
Location and Species Matters: Variable Influence of the Environment on the Gene Flow of Imperiled Native and Invasive Cottontails

Research paper in Frontiers in Genetics examining gene flow and genetic diversity in the New England cottontail (Sylvilagus transitionalis) and the eastern cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus).

Research paper
Competition Alters Seasonal Resource Selection and Promotes Use of Invasive Shrubs by an Imperiled Native Cottontail
Competition Alters Seasonal Resource Selection and Promotes Use of Invasive Shrubs by an Imperiled Native Cottontail

Research paper in Ecology and Evolution examining effects of different habitat management actions on the use of early successional habitat by the New England cottontail (Sylvilagus transitionalis) and the competing eastern cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus).

Research paper
Bee Assemblages in Managed Early-successional Habitats in Southeastern New Hampshire
Bee Assemblages in Managed Early-successional Habitats in Southeastern New Hampshire

Research paper in Northeastern Naturalist examining how native bees use flowering plants in habitat areas managed as young forest and shrubland for species such as American woodcock (Scolopax minor) and New England cottontail (Sylvilagus transitionalis).

Research paper
Assessment of Alternative Sampling Designs for Range-wide Monitoring of New England Cottontail
Assessment of Alternative Sampling Designs for Range-wide Monitoring of New England Cottontail

Research paper in the Wildlife Society Bulletin evaluating the accuracy of rangewide surveys in detecting changes in local populations of New England cottontails (Sylvilagus transitionalis), and pointing to a continued and severe decline in the species' numbers.

Best Management Practices
American Woodcock Habitat: Best Management Practices for the Central Appalachian Mountains Region
American Woodcock Habitat: Best Management Practices for the Central Appalachian Mountains Region

Best Management Practices for creating habitat for the American woodcock (Scolopax minor) in the Appalachian Mountains Region in Pennsylvania, eastern Ohio, West Virginia, and western Maryland and Virginia (28 pp.).

Best Management Practices
American Woodcock: Habitat Best Management Practices for the Northeast
American Woodcock: Habitat Best Management Practices for the Northeast

Best Management Practices for creating habitat for the American woodcock (Scolopax minor) in upland areas in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, and the Adirondack Mountains in New York (12 pp.).

Conservation plan
American Woodcock Conservation Plan
American Woodcock Conservation Plan

A summary of and recommendations for conserving the American woodcock (Scolopax minor) in North America (168 pp.).

A Landowner's Guide to Woodcock Management in the Northeast
A Landowner's Guide to Woodcock Management in the Northeast

An older but still helpful guidebook providing non-technical advice to landowners on how to make and refresh habitat for the American woodcock (25pp.).

Research paper
Area Requirements and Landscape-Level Factors Influencing Shrubland Birds
Area Requirements and Landscape-Level Factors Influencing Shrubland Birds

Research paper in Journal of Wildlife Management explaining how small openings created in areas of older forest attract shrubland birds whose populations are dwindling in the Northeast.

Research paper
Analysis of Overstory Tree Canopy Cover in Sites Occupied by Native and Introduced Cottontails
Analysis of Overstory Tree Canopy Cover in Sites Occupied by Native and Introduced Cottontails

Research paper in PLOS ONE on use of habitat that includes overstory trees by New England cottontails (Sylvilagus transitionalis) and competing eastern cottontails (Sylvilagus floridanus).

Robust Approach for New England Cottontail Abundance Estimation
Robust Approach for New England Cottontail Abundance Estimation

Report to the New England Cottontail Conservation Initiative on estimating the population of New England cottontails (Sylvilagus transitionalis) on habitat sites by collecting rabbit fecal pellets, identifying species through genetic testing, and developing an optimal survey protocol (23 pp.).

Fact sheet
Great Thicket National Wildlife Refuge
Great Thicket National Wildlife Refuge

Frequently asked questions about the Great Thicket National Wildlife Refuge in southern New England and eastern New York State.

Research paper
Behavior as a Rapid Indicator of Reintroduction and Translocation Success for a Cryptic Mammal, the New England Cottontail (Sylvilagus transitionalis)
Behavior as a Rapid Indicator of Reintroduction and Translocation Success for a Cryptic Mammal, the New England Cottontail (Sylvilagus transitionalis)

Research paper in Journal of Mammalogy on behavior of New England cottontails (Sylvilagus transitionalis), including wild catch-and-release rabbits; wild-caught translocated rabbits; and rabbits introduced into the wild from a captive population.

Research paper
Habitat Management to Reduce Competitive Interactions: Case Study of Native and Invading Cottontails
Habitat Management to Reduce Competitive Interactions: Case Study of Native and Invading Cottontails

Research paper in Journal of Wildlife Management evaluating best management practices designed to retain greater tree canopy closure to boost local populations of New England cottontails (Sylvilagus transitionalis) without encouraging competing, non-native eastern cottontails (Sylvilagus floridanus).

Best Management Practices, Guide
Picking Our Battles: A Guide to Planning Successful Invasive Plant Management Projects
Picking Our Battles: A Guide to Planning Successful Invasive Plant Management Projects

A guide explaining how to control invasive plants in upland and wetland natural communities, developed by New Hampshire Fish and Game Department and New Hampshire Natural Heritage Bureau Invasive Plants Working Group (38 pp.).

New York Young Forest Initiative
New York Young Forest Initiative

Banner for public information meetings presenting the Young Forest Initiative of the New York Department of Environmental Conservation.

Wildlife Needs Young Forest
Wildlife Needs Young Forest

Table-top or poster display for workshops, conferences, and public meetings.

Young Forest Management display
Young Forest Management display

Display developed by the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources showing wildlife that uses different ages of forest.

Young Forest & Shrubland Restoration Area sign
Young Forest & Shrubland Restoration Area sign

Sign developed in New Hampshire explaining the importance of young forest to wildlife, for use on habitat management projects.

Helping Wildlife sign
Helping Wildlife sign

Sign for display on young forest and shrubland habitat creation projects.

Fact sheet
Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease
Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease

Fact sheet explaining viral Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease or RHD.

Best Management Practices
Best Management Practices for the New England Cottontail in New York
Best Management Practices for the New England Cottontail in New York

Illustrated technical guide on how to create, restore, and manage habitat for New England cottontails in New York (38 pp.).

Popular article
What's Wrong with Our Ruffed Grouse
What's Wrong with Our Ruffed Grouse

Popular article in Pennsylvania Game News magazine on the ruffed grouse population decline in Pennsylvania.

Conservation plan
Ruffed Grouse Conservation Plan
Planting for Pollinators in New Hampshire
Planting for Pollinators in New Hampshire

Guide for planting for pollinators in New Hampshire.

Fact sheet, Research paper
Eastern Hognose Snakes Prefer Managed Habitat
Eastern Hognose Snakes Prefer Managed Habitat

Research brief in North Atlantic Fire Science Exchange on how eastern hognose snakes (Heterodon platirhinos) use managed habitat in a pitch pine and scrub oak ecosystem in western Massachusetts.

Best Management Practices, Guide
Managing Grasslands, Shrublands, and Young Forests for Wildlife: A Guide for the Northeast
Managing Grasslands, Shrublands, and Young Forests for Wildlife: A Guide for the Northeast

Illustrated technical guide explaining how to manage grasslands, shrublands, and young forest habitats for wildlife in the Northeast, by biologists in the Northeast Upland Habitat Technical Committee and published in 2006 (148 pp.).

Conservation plan
Conservation Strategy for the New England Cottontail
Conservation Strategy for the New England Cottontail

Conservation strategy for the New England cottontail updated 3/17/2023.

Research paper
Toward Consensus-Based Actions that Balance Invasive Plant Management and Conservation of At-Risk Fauna
Toward Consensus-Based Actions that Balance Invasive Plant Management and Conservation of At-Risk Fauna

Research paper in Environmental Management on habitat management options and trade-offs in areas where at-risk wildlife species live among invasive shrubs and other plants.

Fact sheet
Kunjamuk Young Forest Demo Project fact sheet
Kunjamuk Young Forest Demo Project fact sheet

Fact sheet explaining the Kunjamuk Young Forest Demonstration Project in New York's Adirondack Region. Includes a map.

Wild Apple Trees for Wildlife
Wild Apple Trees for Wildlife

Habitat guide on wild apple trees for wildlife published by the University of Maine Cooperative Extension Service.

Fact sheet
Helen W. Buckner Memorial Preserve at Bald Mountain
Helen W. Buckner Memorial Preserve at Bald Mountain

Two-page information sheet on Helen W. Buckner Memorial Preserve at Bald Mountain in Vermont.

Buckner Preserve hiking map
Buckner Preserve hiking map

Map of hiking trails at Buckner Preserve in Vermont

Research paper
Introduced Competitor Reduces Abundance of an Imperiled Cottontail
Introduced Competitor Reduces Abundance of an Imperiled Cottontail

Research paper in Biological Invasions on how introduced nonnative eastern cottontails (Sylvilagus floridanus) can affect the density and abundance of New England cottontails (Sylvilagus transitionalis) through competition for food and cover resources.

Best Management Practices
Grouse Management Best Practices
Grouse Management Best Practices

Six-page best management practices report for creating habitat for ruffed grouse in Pennsylvania.

Best Management Practices, Guide, Report
Habitat Management for Pennsylvania Ruffed Grouse
Habitat Management for Pennsylvania Ruffed Grouse

Ten-page report on how to manage habitat for ruffed grouse in Pennsylvania.

Mt. Nebo WMA Map
Mt. Nebo WMA Map

Map of Mt. Nebo Wildlife Management Area, Maryland

New England Cottontail Newsletter, Spring 2023
New England Cottontail Newsletter, Spring 2023

Newsletter of the New England Cottontail Conservation Initiative.

New England Cottontail Newsletter, Fall 2023
New England Cottontail Newsletter, Fall 2023

Newsletter of the New England Cottontail Conservation Initiative.

Groton State Forest Panel Display
Groton State Forest Panel Display

Display panel on young forest habitat that visitors can view at an overlook in Groton State Forest in Vermont.

Sparta Mtn. WMA Map
Sparta Mtn. WMA Map

Map showing timber harvests and areas of young forest on Sparta Mtn. Wildlife Management Area, New Jersey.

Conservation plan
Sparta Mtn. WMA Forest Stewardship Plan
Sparta Mtn. WMA Forest Stewardship Plan

Forest stewardship plan for creating young forest and native shrubland on Sparta Mountain Wildlife Management Area, New Jersey

A Landowner's Guide - Wildlife Habitat Management for Lands in Vermont
A Landowner's Guide - Wildlife Habitat Management for Lands in Vermont

This 144-page guide is focused on Vermont but has applicability elsewhere in the Northeast. It includes sections on managing for shrubland and young forest, and for wildlife including snowshoe hare, ruffed grouse, American woodcock, bats, reptiles and amphibians, and bees and other beneficial insects.

A Landowner's Guide to New England Cottontail Habitat Management
A Landowner's Guide to New England Cottontail Habitat Management

A 36-page guide published in 2008 explaining how landowners can create and manage habitat for New England cottontail rabbits.

Boyd Woods Sanctuary Trail Map
Boyd Woods Sanctuary Trail Map

Map of trails on Boyd Woods Audubon Sanctuary, Litchfield, Connecticut

Creating Habitat for Wildlife: The Young Forest Initiative
Creating Habitat for Wildlife: The Young Forest Initiative

Display banner by the New York Department of Environmental Conservation on creating young forest habitat on selected wildlife management areas in the state. 

Wildlife Needs Shrubland: Conserving Habitat in Maine
Wildlife Needs Shrubland: Conserving Habitat in Maine

Brochure explaining the importance of shrubland habitat in Maine.

Kumbrabow State Forest Map
Kumbrabow State Forest Map

Map of Kumbrabow State Forest, Randolph County, WV.

New England Cottontail Newsletter, Spring 2024
New England Cottontail Newsletter, Spring 2024

Newsletter of the New England Cottontail Conservation Initiative

Fact sheet
Options for Carbon Dioxide Removal in the United States
Options for Carbon Dioxide Removal in the United States

Fact sheet by Roads2Removal Organization